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Monday, November 17, 2008

Arroyo to ‘2010’ prayer: ‘Oh my God’

MANILA, Philippines -- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was caught off guard, when her press secretary prayed that she would continue to lead the nation "even beyond" the end of her term in 2010.

"Bless the President so we will have forbearance, good health, the tolerance to lead this nation up to 2010 and perhaps who knows even beyond," Press Secretary Jesus Dureza said at the end of the opening prayer he led at the start of a Cabinet meeting in the Aguinaldo State Dining Room on Tuesday.

Arroyo, looking embarrassed, covered her face and said: "Oh my God."

After regaining her composure, Arroyo told cameramen and photographers: "That prayer was off the record, so why don't we get everybody seated. Please, tama na, tama na [that's enough]."

Press Secretary Jesus Dureza said to the media, "Naguluhan lang ako, nagka-vision kasi ako habang nagdadasal."

He likewise prayed for newly-installed Senate President Juan Ponce-Enrile, whom he described as a "man for all seasons."

Monday, November 3, 2008

ALL you really need to know...

You are poor. You are a suspected thief. You get locked up.
You are rich. You are a suspected thief. You get a check up.

A contingency fund, a cash advance, and an intelligence fund. They are one and the same.

If you’re a police general and you couldn’t attend an Interpol conference abroad, send your wife instead.

Catholic bishops and nuns - the staunchest critics of the proposed bill to curb population explosion do not actually contribute to population growth.

Impeachment is a numbers game. Winners usually take home a seven–figure jackpot.

History tells us that it takes decades to build states and nations. Today, it only takes a MOA to create one.

When an economic adviser calls her president a “bitch,” something is wrong with the adviser. If he doesn’t get fired, something is wrong with the president.

Double budget insertions are perfectly legal. Unless discovered.

The surest way to get appointed in a government post is to lose in a national election.

When an executive clemency is granted shortly before midnight on a Friday, better check on the list of convicts to be released. You might be in for a surprise.

Relatives of murder victims who oppose the granting of an executive clemency to a murder convict must learn how to swim first before they appeal their case to the Justice secretary..

There are only two genuine groups of oppositionists in the country: the Communist Party of the Philippines, and ABS-CBN.

And thanks to the Commission on Human Rights, I have learned that when a suspected NPA or Moro rebel is tortured, that’s human rights violation. When a government soldier is killed by the suspected NPA or Moro rebel, that’s life.

Have a great week ahead!